Yale School of the Environment’s Professor Dr. Justin Farrell and his lab received National Science Foundation funding to research the impacts of Covid-19 on the rural West. The team worked rapidly and has published an initial report, “Impacts of COVID-19 On The Rural West: Material Needs, Economic Recovery, Political Attitudes”, which summarizes survey results from 1,009-participants across the rural West. The team’s goal is to “inform public policy across various levels of government to meet the needs of rural communities struggling with the social and economic impacts of the pandemic.”
Please visit https://www.covidruralwest.org to learn more about their valuable research and see the complete report.
Thank you to Dr. Farrell, Dr. J. Tom Mueller (Utah State University), Kathryn McConnell, Paul Burow, Katie Pofahl, and Dr. Alexis Merdjanoff (New York University for doing this important work in the West.