Each year, UHPSI hosts a western speaker series focusing on conservation and stewardship issues in the American West. The series may be one focused event or several small events spanning several topics. The student assistants are currently working with UHPSI staff to plan presentations, career chats, or training by a series of western conservation professionals. The series will be virtual this year, and we are excited to create opportunities for Yale students to hear from and connect with leaders in their fields of interest. Past years have focused on Indigenous land management, fire ecology, organic dryland farming, protection of biodiversity, and climate change. This year will focus on a series of topics ranging from Indigenous people to water resource management.

Emma Desrochers, Research Assistant|Emma is an undergraduate at Yale college, pursuing a double major in Environmental Studies and Mechanical Engineering. After a summer spending time in the Rocky Mountains she became interested in land conservation in the west and current studies in that region. She is interested in learning many different fields of research in environmental studies, including participating in past research of coral restoration in Thailand and reforestation in the Amazon. She is also an avid solo traveler, having spent time in seven different countries during her summers at Yale. | Blog
Eleah Wilkerson, Research Assistant| Eleah Wilkerson is a Master of Environmental Management candidate at the Yale School of the Environment, specializing in Business and the Environment and Water Resource Science and Management. As a native of Denver, Colorado, she has a strong connection to the Rocky Mountain West, and is invested in creating equitable solutions to the consequences of human impacts on the environment in a changing world. Eleah coordinates the Western Speakers Series at UHPSI and aims to connect the Yale community to innovative and insightful speakers who can share their experiences and perspective about western environmental issues. Eleah holds a Bachelor of Art degree in Environmental Studies from Amherst College. See what Eleah has been up to. | Blog