We’re pleased to announce eleven recipients of this year’s Western Research Fellowship. Topics span the range of issues affecting land management in the west from sustainable grazing wtih Bison, to predator-prey interactions, to invasive species, to grazing issues on public lands.Stay tuned for more updates on our blog this summer as students hit the field in Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Colorado, Nevada, Alberta, and Alaska!
Summer Presentations and Retreat Info Here

From left: Jessica, Carli, Jeremy, Austin, Caley, Rachel, Sabrina, Ross, Paul, Adam, Kris, Anthony, Sam
The Fellows
Anthony Bell – Bridging the gap between commerical and conservation bison ranching (Wyoming, South Dakota, and Montana)
Paul Burrow – social and political life of pine nuts, Pinyon-Juniper species management, grazing, and native resource use in the Great Basin.
Ross Donihue – Cooperative conservation on working lands in the Northern Rockies (Alberta, Montana, and Wyoming)
Adam Eichenwald – Predator prey interactions between raptors and ground-birds, potential carbon implications (Nome, Alaska)
Cayley Geffen – National monument designations – diverse voices from Utah (Bears Ears, Utah)
Carli Kierstead – Decision-making for irrigation and conservation (Lander, Wyoming)
Jeremy Menkhaus – Impact investment in rangelands, a case for Bison (Pinedale, Wyoming)
Austin Rempel – Incentivizing efficient water use through financial incentives for landowners (Lander, Wyoming)
Rachel Renne – Understanding sagebrush mortaility and building tools for long-term monitoring (Wyoming)
Jessica Swindon – Understanding climate change impacts on roots systems of shrub-steppe species
Samuel Wall – Hydro power in Montana, ecosystem services and water quality (Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana)