Joshua’s research surveyed benthic macroinvertebrate communities of Canyon Creek at The Nature Conservancy’s (TNC) Tensleep Preserve in order to (1) assess the current communities of this river section, (2) analyze the impacts of two subterranean limestone sink systems and a human diversion on these communities, and (3) provide data and voucher specimens for future studies. Invertebrates of quantitative subsamples from six sites on the creek have been identified to genus level, and a qualitative voucher collection representing the identified invertebrates has been provided to Trey Davis, manager of Tensleep Preserve. Josh will conduct statistical analyses during the fall of 2019 to evaluate if there are differences between sites. Findings with be shared with Wyoming conservation groups for further consultation and comparison to surveys of nearby rivers. Joshua’s work will serve as a resource to guide informed land management decisions at TNC’s Tensleep preserve in the future. Corroborating agencies include the Entomology Division of the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History (Dr. Raymond Pupedis), Yale’s Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (Dr. Marta Wells), and the Ucross High Plains Stewardship Initiative (Michelle Downey), and funds have been provided by the Yale Summer Environmental Fellowship, the Chase Coggins Memorial Fund, Ucross’s Western Resources Fellowship, and the Grace Hopper Richter Fellowship.
The Nature Conservancy, Tensleep Preserve | Website
Student Researcher

Joshua Perez-Cruet, Western Resources Fellow | Joshua is an undergraduate majoring in Chemistry (BS Int.) and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (BS) at Yale University (2020). He has worked as an aquatic research technician for Colorado Parks and Wildlife and currently is focused on completing a survey of the benthic invertebrates of Canyon Creek for The Nature Conservancy’s Tensleep Preserve. Joshua aspires to study medicine in the future. At Yale, Joshua is the Intramural Secretary for Grace Hopper College, plays piano for the Yale Gospel Choir, and teaches for several science outreach programs. See what Joshua has been up to. | Blog