Abbey is working with the nonprofit land trust Colorado Open Lands to learn about private land conservation in the West as a Summer Conservation Fellow. She is assisting with conservation and stewardship activities such as monitoring conservation easements from satellite imagery, landowner outreach, and researching innovative methods of water conservation. The primary focus of her work at Colorado Open Lands is to delve into the opportunities and challenges of water conservation tools, such as alternative transfer mechanisms and groundwater easements, through research and stakeholder outreach.
Abbey Warner, Western Resources Fellow and Research Assistant |Abbey Warner is a Master of Environmental Management candidate at the Yale School of the Environment. Her current studies and prior work experience in the nonprofit and agricultural sectors center around natural resource and land management to promote the multiple benefits of water provision, climate mitigation and adaptation, ecosystem health, and equitable development within communities. Abbey holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Conservation and Resource Studies from the University of California, Berkeley. See what Abbey has been up to. | Blog