Building acoustic recording units

Charlie has been hard at work building a set of five homemade acoustic recording units (ARU’s). These units consist of a high capacity Olympus digital recorder wired to 4 rechargeable D-cell batteries, housed in a waterproof Pelican case, and connected to an external weatherproof stereo microphone. The ARU’s will be deployed around the ranch between Read more about Building acoustic recording units[…]

Sandhill cranes

The sand hill crane is a common resident of Wyoming during summer breeding seasons. These elegant birds have distinct vocalizations that can be heard from miles away. Sand hill cranes nest in open grasslands, meadows, wetland, and riparian areas. We’ve seen a number of breeding pairs around the ranch, including many with small offspring!

Ucross historical map

History! In 1932, an Iowa land company decided to build a town at the junction of routes 14 and 16, the current location of Ucross. Despite obtaining permits and drafting detailed plans, development never occurred. Many years later, Mike (an employee of Ucross Foundation) and Lynn Latham discovered that their recently purchased, undeveloped, agricultural land Read more about Ucross historical map[…]

Testing acoustic recording units

Setting up a permanent station for collecting audio recordings of birds requires more than just a knowledge of the birds themselves, it requires the know-how and expertise to put together the actual electronic / digital recording equipment. Though the bulk of our team’s future recording units will be independently powered (via rechargeable batteries), the two Read more about Testing acoustic recording units[…]