Shea is working with LegacyWorks Group in Jackson, Wyoming to accelerate community-driven impact to advance large-scale conservation efforts in the Teton region. She is assisting the team in executing projects that advance four major goals: 1) increase the ability of local conservation partners to work collaboratively on community- and regional-scale projects, 2) enhance water availability for human and environmental needs in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 3) protect wildlife migration corridors and winter range for regionally significant species, and 4) expand free-market conservation tools available to local partners.
Major tasks include developing a landowner assessment guide for a critical mule deer migration corridor, completing grant applications to support increased groundwater recharge in farming communities, interviewing stakeholders and generating a report articulating the community vision for a locally significant wetland meadow complex, and assessing the economic feasibility of crop conversion to specialty malt barley to improve water quality and preserve rural character.
LegacyWorks Group | Website
Student Researcher
Shea Flanagan, Research Assistant and WRF Fellow | Shea is a Master of Environmental Management candidate at the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, specializing in Systems Leadership in Conservation and Business & the Environment. At Ucross, Shea works as a research assistant on a carbon offsets project related to the avoided conversion of grasslands. She also works as a writer for the Conservation Finance Network at the Center for Business and the Environment at Yale, and volunteers as a Nonprofit Board Fellow for The Nature Conservancy in Connecticut. Shea spent most of her time prior to Yale working for The Nature Conservancy in New Hampshire and in the Adirondacks, serving on the chapters’ conservation and stewardship teams. See what Shea has been up to. | Blog